Saturday, August 26, 2023

Pre-built QMX ordered...and evolution toward QSX

To his admitted regret, Hans G0UPL first mentioned the "upcoming" QSX five years ago. Although we have yet to see the QSX, we have seen steady progression toward it with the QCX and the QDX.

And a Giant Step toward the QSX now appears to be on the near horizon with the QMX.

The QMX, for now, is a CW/digital-only combination of the QCX and QDX with a very telling component installed onto the main circuit board - an electret microphone.

Hans talks about it beginning at the 7-minute mark in the following video, which doesn't mention the QSX by name, but does describe the evolution toward it:

As I watched the video, a little voice in my head said, "Man, I gotta have one of those."

I'm late to the party but I splurged and ordered a pre-built QMX. There's a long waiting list - it'll probably be here next spring. By then, EER SSB may be fully functional.




  1. Hi John, the QSX is mentioned extensively in his presentation at the last FDIM conference, around minute 12

  2. Hi John...I always enjoy your blog. This time I'm a couple weeks ahead of you on getting this radio. It's going to be very interesting in the long-term to compare the QMX project to the FX-4CR project. They both have similar goals, but very different approaches to meeting those goals. I feel fortunate to be involved in both the projects even if I don't get the QMX till next year. Thanks again for your work as you're the one who got me involved with the FX-4CR. 73...Mike (KO4RSJ)

    1. Hello Mike - Thank you for taking over the FX-4 Group! I'm continuing to keep an eye on that radio's development and really hope to see an ARRL review at some point.

      I'm excited about the QMX. I guess we'll have to be content that the wait allows us to read about other's experiences in the meantime...not such a bad thing!


  3. I also ordered a completed unit. The 5 bands fit what I want, and I feel good that the SSB software will be in and working by the time my unit is delivered. Being in the mid-700s in the order queue could have an upside.
    In the meantime, my (tr)uSDX will fill this niche.

    Looking forward to your field report on this rig when you have it in hand.


  4. After I saw your post, I, too, had to have one. I just finished the build. It was fun, even winding the cores. Its a tightly packed little radio, but works like a champ... Eagerly waiting new firmware releases... Thanks for the great site..

    1. Congrats on the successful build. It'll be interesting to read about (and participate in) developments in fw in the next several months.


  5. Hi John,

    I just received my factory built QMX and I'm still getting used to it. My first impressions are generally good but a mixed bag when it comes to firmware. Pros - It's small, great receiver and the transmitter works well. Very nice display as well.

    Cons - All firmware related. There are features that are supposed to work, but don't. CW sidetone volume, general volume, AGC (BADLY needed) and CW-R as well as a few others. I'm a big fan of QRPLabs and Hans. I'm sure he will address these issues in the future, still, I'm surprised these issue exist in a 009 firmware. I'm setting my QMX aside for now until these issues are addressed so I don't damage my hearing (firmware volume issue).

    In my humble opinion, generally speaking, the shine has come off SDR QRP radios for me. It's a great idea in theory but in practice, not so much. Having such programming flexibility tends to lead to "function creep", complex coding and firmware bugs.

    For me, comparing a SDR QRP radio to a non-SDR QRP radio? One of them just plain works while the other one is frustrating as heck. YMMV.
    Dennis WB8DD

    1. Thanks for the info, Dennis. I read a similar thread posted yesterday on the so you are not alone. I agree that it is a bit surprising that an AGC issue exists, now into version 10 of the FW, especially since this isn't a problem in any of the QCX variations. I mind the long wait even less in hope that this will be resolved soon.

      I tend to agree with you on your QRP SDR thoughts - but, the one radio that is a definite exception is the mcHF. It just keeps working and always has - not sure if that's the case with the clones, though I've been tempted at times to order one, just to find out.

      John AE5X
