Friday, August 25, 2023

POTA hate from a Feld-Hell'er

It's flipped vertically but someone clearly doesn't like to see other ops enjoying themselves on an SSB POTA activation:




  1. I recently heard some lid on 20m SSB calling "CQ POTA...Calling all Pricks on the Air..." over and over in different variations. Of course, said lid didn't ID. I'm not sure why it rankles these old farts that a bunch of hams are having fun using the standard modes that we always have. Too much crab bucket mentality in this world.

  2. I don't think that's Feld-Hell, but it certainly is obnoxious.

  3. Not to defend the jamming, I will say that it might behoove POTA ops to try to become more aware of established band plans. The op in the video above is on the 40m AM phone frequency. I often hear POTA ops on 14.230 (SSTV) and 14.060, QRP calling freq, with their activity attracting 100W hunters to the watering hole.

    Nevertheless, bad operating practices don't justify intentional QRM.

  4. I think waterfall painting is really cool. Jamming, very uncool.

  5. The digital SSTV app, EasyPal can do waterfall messages - usually it's the calling station's callsign, but it occurs to me that any text message could be inserted, instead. The digital SSTV crowd used to hang out on 14.233 MHz, but I've not heard much activity there in a while. Also, the EasyPal program appears to no longer be supported. Maybe they shot their own foot off, when they 'upgraded' it to post your hi-res image on an FTP site and then send the URL over the air, making it almost instantaneous to send large hi-res images over the air on HF. At that point, what's the point?
