Tuesday, March 18, 2025

QMX/QMX+ now have SSB capability

A few hours ago, Hans G0UPL released beta firmware that enables SSB operation for the QMX-series of transceivers.

Furthermore, Hans is "retiring" the QSX concept since the new fw for the QMX makes that project redundant.

From Hans:

This is the beta release page for the SSB firmware for QMX/QMX+ transceivers. This is a very complex project. The beta release here is provided without warranty, for brave beta testers who wish to try out the firmware and report back on any issues found or suggested enhancements. The firmware runs on both QMX and QMX+; for convenience from now on, this page will state "QMX" but that means equivalently QMX or QMX+ unless otherwise stated.

Note that users of FSK Digi modes such as FT8, JS8, WSPR, etc should continue to use the QMX "Digi" mode, which will offer the best performance for these modes. 

This page describes all aspects of how to use and test this beta firmware for SSB. There are a large number of settings and options and I encourage you to read all the details before experimenting with them. With ALL features enabled (CESSB, compression, mic AGC, Transmit equalization, noise gate, phase and amplitude pre-distortion, you name it), the CPU utilization is approximately 93%. So in other words there is no problem enabling everything.

After a period of beta testing, the firmware will be published to the regular QMX page, and the regular QMX operating manual will be updated to reflect all the changes for SSB. Eventually I will publish extensive technical documentation describing the entire system in detail. 


Please remember - this is beta firmware, for experimentation.



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