Friday, June 21, 2024

Video: Iceland by drone and operating as TF/AE5X

I am amazed at the stunning scenery of Iceland - the trip was bucket-list incredible.

The video below is about 2/3 drone video (followed by 1/3 radio) of the places we saw as we drove around the country.

In all, we put 950 miles (1500km) on the car and I activated 4 parks. Each park was a first-activation for that park. I had no trouble making contacts but my time at each park was limited. The KX2 at ten watts into a roof-mounted vertical worked well and was portable enough to travel with easily.

The QRN that I initially worried about was non-existent. The bands were nice and quiet, regardless of time of day. All of my operation was on 15, 17 and 20 meter CW. Daylight was unlimited - for five of the days we were there, there was no sunset or sunrise - 24 hours of daylight, times 5.

Sleeping was difficult at first, even though we had eye masks - the hotel curtains were no match for the unending sunlight and the eye masks were uncomfortable. But after a few nights, we'd adjusted - or succumbed to sleep deprivation...I'm not sure which.

It was good to work some familiar calls in both NA and Europe. And it was especially awesome being the first CW contact for Bas PE4BAS, who is leaning CW and progressing nicely!

Both Bas and Jim W1PID made it into the video below. Heard but not worked was Thomas K4SWL who was activating a NC park with his KH1. He was juuust at the noise level but I could make out his call. I called him several times, but no dice.

Those who called: thanks, as always, for the contact.





  1. How cool! What a thrill. Thanks John. What a trip. 73 Jim W1PID

  2. Breath taking scenery John, I enjoyed it very much. And my first real CW contact on video. Good signal also from what I heard. However my CW needs some more polishing ;-). Great to work you from Iceland. Any plans for more, other destinations? 73, Bas

    1. Hello Bas,

      I enjoyed the CW contact with you - and as you can hear, you did have one of the strongest signals of those I worked. It seems I always had a mountain in the way but managed to make contacts anyway.

      We'll be leaving in two weeks for another QTH where I will have great antennas on all bands and QRO power (if I want it - probably won't). Not an exotic location, but a fun place for us to visit. It is a unique "ham radio opportunity" and I'll elaborate more as the date approaches.

      73 for now,

  3. Great scenery and fantastic views, and drone shots are spectacular ! I did about the same trip in 2016 following the Ringway 1 around the island....once in a lifetime experience ! Thanks for sharing John.....73 de ON4CDJ Patrick

    1. It truly is an epic place, Patrick. I wish I'd gone years ago.
      73, John

  4. SPECTACULAR video John! Thanks for putting it together.

    1. Thanks for watching. I wish YouTube hadn't pixelated the mist in one of the scenes...
