Thursday, June 13, 2024

Today's park activation from Iceland

I've activated two parks in Iceland since arriving 4 days ago - both times were first activations for those parks. It's been tough to put the camera down. Iceland is an amazing country and I'll have more to say about it later.

Today's activation of IS-0092 Blábjörg Natural Monument was a lesson in Exceeded Expectations 101. Just when you think you can predict certain aspects of this radio stuff, the unexpected happens.

The park is located near the small town of Djúpivogur on Iceland's eastern coast. It's pretty much a straight shot into parts of Europe but many mountains block the path to the US...or so I thought.

I called CQ POTA on 15, 17 and 20 meters and worked both continents on all bands.

Many US stations were quite strong and I worked a number of familiar calls. The QRN that I worried about was non-existent - the bands are quite, propagation over salt water works like a charm and my 10 watts was doing the trick.

Best DX was Nevada.

The set-up: KX2 with internal battery, 17ft whip on the rental car's roof and a set of paddles in the tourniquet mode. I logged with Hamrs on my phone. All the while, I had a pretty good view outside the windshield.

I had a visitor as I was ending the activation. He was curious about the antenna and had lots of questions about ham radio and Morse Code. He asked for my YouTube channel and subscribed to it on the spot. I'll have an Icelandic video to upload after returning home next week.

Thanks all, for the contacts. It was a hoot!




  1. **Thanks** for posting the photos. Always fun to see where you work.


  2. Darn it John - I was listening on 17. I could hear lots of stations working you, but you were just a whisper.
    I'll keep on it again tomorrow. What a fantastic adventure. Good luck OM. Jim W1PID

    1. Thanks for trying, Jim. I don't know when I'll be on the air next (or from which location). Sort of playing it by ear. I probably should have tried 10m. 73

  3. Looking forward to seeing more of your trip, John. Best of luck with your activations! 72, Craig WB3GCK

    1. Thanks, Craig - I'm hoping for at least one more activation but I'm not sure which day. Such an incredible place...! 73

  4. Saw you spotted several times but time was incovenient for me. I was at work. Hope you enjoy your visit to TF. We'll wait for the video to come. 73, Bas

    1. Hi Bas, I'm looking forward to the video myself...lots of individual clips and photos so far. 73,

  5. John: Thank you so much for your outstanding informative and inspirations posts about your recent activity in Iceland. I plan to be in Reykjavík for 3 nights the first week of October following two weeks on a guided tour in London, Paris, Switzerland, and Italy starting with a wedding in the Chianti region. I plan to operate SSB and digital as much as possible during the frequent breaks, especially from POTA sites. Planning to bring either the Xiegu X-6200 which I just received and am evaluating (mixed reaction so far) or my tried and true Yaesu FT-817ND (with separate tuner and battery). Not planning to rent a car so leaning towards a wire and/or whip. Checking the POTA map to correlate with the tour plans. I see a few POTA sites near Reykjavik that are accessible by public transport, and some that are on tours. Check the tours to see how much time is available at those stops such as IS-0002 Þingvellir National Park. Renting a car as you did seems like the most flexible way, though I think I'm best staying with tours. Hope you don't mind me following up with more questions. Thanks again and best 73. :Steve Rosman KA2YRA, POTA NJ Mapping Rep

    1. Hi Steve, you're gonna have a great time seeing Iceland and may be wishing to extend your stay! I'll try to answer any questions you may have. I saw very few places where a wire could be put up - I'd go with a whip (and did!). Easy up, easy down and you can put one almost anywhere if you have a magnet or clamp base. I drove on through Þingvellir without stopping because we were in a rush on that day to see the glacier lagoon a bit further down the road so I don't know what facilities may be there to allow for an antenna to be erected. It would be great if the bus driver allowed you to put a magnet-mount whip on the bus. I will say that most parks are unactivated and you will likely be The First for some of your parks if you can manage an antenna.

      Good luck to you!

