Thursday, August 3, 2023

Possible re-design of FX-4CR

If you're following along on the development of the FX-4CR, you probably know this already. For those who aren't, Yu BG2FX recently posted images of a possible re-design of the radio that places the heat sink on one of the external panels along with provisions to add additional heat sinking to that panel for those who want/need it (for digital ops).

Additionally, a fan is added.

From Yu:

Do you think such a shell looks good, this is only a preliminary design. There are some big modifications. I'll let everyone see it again.
I think this knob design looks good, but I can't buy this.
Modified section:
Following the AE5X recommendations, place the PA plate on the lower cover in the bottom position. Add heat sink slots at the bottom
A small built-in fan has been added to the side.
When I get new design drawings, I'll let you see.




Throughout the entire life cycle of the FX-4CR, Yu has listened to feedback and is doing a fantastic job in addressing issues with the radio.

Now shipping in blue:




  1. Good info, thanks. Did you get rid of your FX-4CR for a second time? I seem to remember you getting rid of your first one, then ordering a 2nd one later. John/KH6RF

    1. Yes, I sent the 2nd one back as well. Firmware updates fix one problem and introduce another - consistently. Even now, there are audio routing problems between headphones and speakers, and intermittent band QSY's and VFO changes during transmissions. The radio is still very much a prototype with many bugs.

