Saturday, April 1, 2023

Video: mcHF working split to get V26EI on two bands

After yesterday's operation with the X6100, I dug out my mcHF to remind myself what great rig it is.

This morning, with mcHF, paddles and coffee side-by-side (the perfect trifecta) I heard V26EI booming in on 20m CW. 

He was operating split, listening up about 2kHz, working mostly Europeans, who I could hear weakly - but good enough to know where V26EI was listening.

A push of the SPLIT button puts the mcHF in that mode and I toggled VFO's back and forth a few times to get my transmit VFO exactly where I wanted it - in this case, right on the frequency of a French station just worked.

They were also on 17m, quite loud.

Five watts into a 1/4-wave whip in the yard/garden and my love for the mcHF is rekindled. It's a keeper.

Fittingly enough, the V26EI is comprised of a group of Irish ops (hence the suffix) - and in my town two hours later, a group of Irish dancers were putting on a show. I was reminded of a Mitch Hedburg quote... 

directly on YouTube here



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