Thursday, January 31, 2019

Faux 1950's QCX transceiver de W8YKG

Many thanks to Jim W8YKG for letting me post the results of his project here. I've heard of homebrewers re-purposing old modem cases, etc. for QRP rigs and other projects but Jim's finished result looks absolutely spectacular and has me looking around for old, broken (and therefore cheap) classic rigs for my next project (which will hopefully be a QSX transceiver).

Rather than the almost impossible task of finding a mint-looking Johnson Viking II - his old Novice rig - Jim found a photograph of one, laminated it, installed it onto a case and used it as a template for the knobs on the QCX transceiver.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Increased functionality of Hardrock-50 with autotuner option installed

Tuning solution results on 6 meters

My HR-50 is now complete with the increased functionality that comes from having the $179 autotuner (ATU option) installed. This includes:

  • Auto-tuner capability
  • 60m capability
  • QRP Mode

True to its name, the ATU tunes antennas that have up to a 10:1 SWR ratio. The HR-50 requires a manual push of the Mode button in order to begin a tune cycle. There is no provision to have the tuner initiate a tune cycle on its own if, for example, something happens to the antenna while operating. However the LCD display will show an increase in reflected power if this occurs, prompting the operator to initiate a tune cycle or to investigate the antenna/feedline issue that caused the change.