Tuesday, August 20, 2024

QMX+ completed...now the troubleshooting


I finished building my QMX+ earlier today and now have to figure out why it doesn't receive on any band.

Transmit is good on all bands, so I'm half of the way to being on the air with it...

A close look at the circuit boards and a study of the schematic will be the order of the day later this week.

If that doesn't pan out, there is the group.io and a guru in W1-land who has brought various kits to life when their builders throw in the towel. Hopefully, he'll have some suggestions if I don't stumble onto the problem myself.

Output power with 12VDC in is as follows:

  • 6m - 0.5 watts
  • 10m - 3
  • 12m - 4
  • 15m - 4.5
  • 17m - 2.5
  • 20m - 3.5
  • 30m - 4.5
  • 40m - 4.5
  • 60m - 4
  • 80m - 6
  • 160 - 7

I'm happy with that and won't be tinkering with the LP filters.


UPDATE: Looks like lots of folks are having this issue, all centered around the same device.

