Sunday, July 30, 2023

KX3 goes a'courting

After several months of imperfect CW - and learning to accommodate the radio in order to send passable CW - I did a POTA activation today that made me re-realize that radios should accommodate the op, not vice versa.

Since receiving it in the mail, I'd been chomping at the bit to get the KX3 out in its element and today was that day.

Yes, it was hot; yes, thunderstorms abbreviated the outting. But in an hour of relay-less QSK on 15, 17 and 20 meters, I feel like reality has hit me upside the head with a 9-pound sledge and said, "CW rigs should be designed by CW ops".

 And the KX3 was.

I've had a lot of Elecraft rigs over the years: K1, KX1, KX2, K3 and KPA-500. And a pre-Elecraft Norcal 40 and SST (2 of them), if you can call them that (I do).

I never considered a KX3 but it kinda fell into my lap and the Viagra-like effect has re-kindled my appreciation of a radio that does things like they're 'spose to be done.

The radio's been around a while - a long while - but it and the owner's manual were new to me and it was a joy to spend Saturday afternoon with both on the desk as I customized settings.

Sunday afternoon's POTA was brief but provided an excuse to turn this knob, push that button, tweak this value.

I'll never reveal this to them, but everyone I worked was a human-derived test signal that allowed me to hone the radio to my liking. 35 contacts later, the rig is mine, as I want it.

It even went to Spain without a passport (inside joke).

I hope the tapas were good.




  1. I own a KX3 and a K3. The KX3 is my primary radio for field ops and the K3 gets contest, POTA hunting and DX duty at home. I am a CW guy, so they are the best in class for my usage. Great CW radios are darn near unicorns. Elecraft nails the CW Op wants well. So did Ten Tec. The later ICOM offerings look decent as well.

    Best in class is worth it. I do run a IC-7300 on tough condition days POTA, it just works too.

    I totally agree with you on CW biased radios.

    Jim KF9VV

    1. Hi Jim - my first rig was a Ten-Tec and I sometimes think this ruined other (non-solid state QSK) rigs for me.

  2. Good morning John, I can't agree with you more regarding a CW rig and Elecraft. I too have owned many Elecraft rigs and enjoyed all of them. The best way I can put it is when you own an Elecraff you become a spoiled CW op. At this point in time I have sold all my Elecraft rigs and very much regret selling my KX3 but what is done is done. I would love a K4 but as my loving wife says "dreams are free". John I am very much looking forward to more post with your KX3.
    Enjoy the CW ride.

    1. I think of it this way, Mike: I can't afford a Maserati or a private Learjet but I can afford one of the best portable CW rigs ever made. That line of reasoning works, if repeated often enough... ;-)


  3. Nice outing! Output power levels?

    1. I ran it to the max, Bob - 15,000,000 microwatts.


  4. Oh the sweet, sweet sensation of the KX3 pumping those dits and dahs into the ether...
    You're right. It's funny, but when I've spent time with a mediocre rig (I'm looking at you Xiegu G106!) then hop over to my KX2 or KX3, the silky-smooth, proper QSK, paired with a gorgeous low-noise receiver, makes for a heavenly experience.
    I suspect you'll have a KX3 companion on many our your future adventures!

    1. It reminds me so much of my old K3 - the controls, the performance, etc - all in a tiny package that runs on small batteries. We'll be heading out today for an activation...but where?

