Saturday, September 24, 2022

Similarities of current Yaesu rigs

UPDATE: The FT-710 has just been added to Sherwood Engineering's list - position 4, just under the FTdx-10. 


Yaesu's about-to-be-available FT-710 is a curious specimen: It is one of three similarly-sized and similarly-priced radios within Yaesu's line-up.

The image above shows each radio Photoshopped into comparative size with the other two, along with their current prices (at DX Engineering).

The FT-991A differs in that it is now six years old and offers 2m and 440 MHz.

The FT-710 and the FTdx-10 are 6-160m rigs with a significant difference in claimed performance but only a minor difference in price. Shown are the major receiver performance differences of these two radios, based on Yaesu's own specs.

All three radios have a built-in ATU.

Is Yaesu charging a premium for the size of the FT-710, thinking that some buyers will forgo a degree of receiver performance for a smaller size than that of the FTdx-10?

This is what initially attracted me to the FT-710 - as a POTA-sized, 100 watt box that would also serve as my home station all-in-one without breaking the bank. But I expected it to be significantly cheaper than its big brother - and maybe it will be yet, once it hits the streets and rebates (hopefully) are applied.




  1. 991 is a beat different as it is hf-v/u 73

  2. I was a little stunned at the 710 release price. I was hoping that Yaesu would price it differently than the 991a, which has more band selections, and the DX-10 which has better receiver selectivity.
    I was really hoping for better and will probably wait some more time to replace my Base station.

  3. As I understand it, the radio is the direct competitor to the IC-7300, and takes the place of the FT-450 in the lineup. It didn't make sense to me in the beginning either, but after I heard that, it makes more sense. I believe size-wise it's similar to both the 7300 and the 450 as well.

  4. Hi John, Neil,
    Someone on forum mentioned that prices of Yaesu products typically do go down soon after introduction. MSRP isn't maintained much passed a month. I hope this is the case as I like the smaller size and don't really think the difference in specs (from the FTdx-10) is something that would be noticed outside of a lab or perhaps a contest.


  5. Where is the PROPER successor to the FT817ND? Me thinks Yaesu has lost its way. I give them 5 years and they will be gone from the amateur radio market. Shame as they made some great products in the past. 73s Roger G3XBM

    1. Your right, Roger - Icom has taken the lead among the Big 3 as far as QRP goes (IC-705). Maybe the QRP community is too small to support a dedicated QRP rig from all 3 of the manufacturers and both Yaesu and Kenwood realize this? Kenwood has never produced a QRP rig but they don't seem to need to to stay in the market.

