Monday, May 9, 2022

Video: POTA'ing at Alexander Spring in Ocala National Forest K-4471

Since moving to Florida 5 weeks ago I've visited four fresh-water springs in the area, most of them being in Ocala National Forest. Until today, I hadn't operated radio from there - just hiking and swimming.

This morning I grabbed the IC-705 & snorkel gear and headed to my favorite (so far) spring.

It was a cool morning with beautiful clouds so I made a few photographic stops along the way, eventually making it to the spring an hour later than planned.

The mcHF accompanied the IC-705 but I treated it like a red-headed stepchild, leaving it alone in the car while I lavished attention on the 705. I'll get to the mcHF another time - excuse for another POTA...

Radio conditions seem to be as good as the weather but I stuck to 20/40 meters, both phone and CW.

I did confirm that the ATU in the Hardrock-50 will tune my 20/30/40m antenna on both 15 and 17 meters. I'll tuck that info away for future application (maybe with the forlorn mcHF).

In the video below is a short clip of a very small fresh water source just to demonstrate how these springs are fed. I made that clip about 30 feet from the actual spring, but in the spring itself, the water input is many, many times more intense. I dove down to such an input at another spring (Juniper) last week but not this one as a crew were doing a mermaid photoshoot right above it here at Alexander Spring.

The clarity of the water in these springs is absolutely stunning and I can't wait to return to the ones I've seen and others for future activations.



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