Monday, March 24, 2025

zBitx transceivers are now being shipped


Shipments to the US are via DHL.

I received my tracking number this morning - the rig will be here this Wednesday (26 March).

A large part of the attraction for this radio has to do with the built-in digital capabilities. That's cool and I like it but I will be paying particular attention to how the rig performs on CW.

And, now that the QMX/QMX+ has SSB capability, that radio and the zBitx represent the least expensive all-band, all-mode rigs with decent performance for the lowest amount of money. I'm looking forward to seeing how they compare on various bands and modes.

This weekend is the CQ-WPX-SSB contest and I'm hoping to use it as a test for at least one of these radios (my mic element for the QMX+ arrives today)...but it's also a new moon weekend and I have an astrophotography camping trip planned.

We'll see how it goes - is there room for two hobbies this weekend???




  1. Hello John, I'm very very curious how this radio works. I hope you will test all features not only CW. At this point I'm thinking about the truSDX or this zBitx. It all depends on your tests, This radio looks a lot better. But from the looks only you can't tell the quality and operability. 73, Bas

    1. Hi Bas - I will be testing it on all modes and plan to make a couple videos of it in operation, including one fairly quickly (maybe this week). Thanks to the truSDX, QMX+ and now the zBitx, we have three choices at a price I never would have expected in this hobby.

