Saturday, September 16, 2023

Dots and dashes through the storm

The peak winds of Tropical Storm Lee are due to hit Bar Harbor, Maine at about 2pm today with 80mph (130km/h) gusts. But for now, they are much less than that.

Knowing that cabin fever will be a component of my afternoon and evening, I drove the half mile from our hotel to Acadia NP visitor center and did a quick activation on 17m CW and 20m CW/phone.

There was surprisingly little QRN from the storm, no lightning at all and more wind than rain at this location. At Contact #47, my antenna blew off the car. I took this as a hint that it may be time to leave but the mag-mount briefly back in place for an even 50 contacts (I hate prime numbers).

Hotels in Bar Harbor appear to be at about half capacity, typical for this time of year now that school is back in session.

Some restaurants were open for breakfast but expect to be closing by noon today. The local Maine'rs all appear to be taking this in stride, with most considering it no big deal, just another nor'easter. Their attitude is being passed on to us tourists here.

Tomorrow we leave Maine and head for Canada for sight-seeing and a few park activations.




  1. Hey John, thanks for responding to my wimpy 2 watt call this morning. Glad you had a successful activation, and hope y’all stay safe during your travels!

    1. Thanks for the contact, Chuck and congrats on getting your Extra recently. I like your comment on QRZ: "Classic CW transcends the science and approaches an art form". Sums it up better than I've ever heard it expressed.


  2. Hi John
    The wx in Lubec at Quoddy Head State Park should be fine for a quick activation at the easternmost point in the lower 48. I am now back at my winter QTH in CA, so I can't stop by for an eyeball QSO. If you walk about 200 yards along the trail, you should see some post Hurricane Lee swells crashing against the rocks. Good luck and enjoy your trip.
    Steve KB3SII ... .. ..

    1. Thanks for the info, Steve - I was getting ready to email you, asking you how things are up there, and to invite you to join left Maine too soon! Lubec is two hours from here so I should be on the air by 11am at the latest. We are excited to see the park - all the reviewers rave about it and I'll definitely be bringing my camera along on the post- (or pre-) activation hike.

      We're really loving this part of the country - if you ever need a pair of house-sitters, I think we'd apply for the opportunity!


  3. Had 6” of rain here in Steuben. Turn off the faucet!

    1. We stocked up on food the night before, expecting all the restaurants in Bar Harbor to be closed the next day. To our surprise, we didn't have to resort to our soup, etc. as BH restaurants were open for all three meals. Some tough people up there!

