Sunday, April 16, 2023


For a while now I've been wanting to include both of my hobbies - ham radio and photography - on this blog, with the realization the latter hobby is off-topic as far as postings go.

Textually, the blog will still be 100% 95% ham radio...but, from time to time, a bit of photography will creep in. Usually in the form of nothing more than the header image.

Blame it on POTA. The header image may appear off-topic but the fact is that it will probably POTA-derived.

A side effect of activations (coupled with retirement and time to travel) is that I'm usually bringing my camera along for the ride.

This image was from K-3013 Galveston Island (TX) State Park.

I took a break from the activation due to a passing storm and saw that a baptism ceremony was taking place as oil tankers passed in the distance. I shot the pic in color but thought the simple elements and textures made it a good candidate for B&W.

A 10-stop ND filter allowed a 20-second shutter speed, blurring the waves completely - the clouds & participants, partially.

OK, back to ham radio and awaiting my sBitx.




  1. John, exquisite shot. Thanks

  2. Hi John, congrats. I like your pictures on the blog. My son is photographer (graduated 2021) and as he is focused on B/W pics he is amazed with your pics too. Why not to make separate chapter on your blog with your pictures.
    Son is focused on BW pics and mainly on 6x6 film (using Pentacon Six TL and Flexaret Automat VI) and he realized that you are also posting mainly the B/W pictures so he likes your blog, hi.

    - P

    1. Wow, film?! For years I used an old beat-up Mamiya C330 for 6X6, and before that, a Yashica 124G. Your son probably knows about these cameras. I'm strictly digital these days and my fingers no longer smell like Dektol. Hello to your son & 73,


  3. Good morning John, very nice shot with nice depth of field and the rule of 3rds. Looking forward to more post both radio and photography.

    1. Hello Mike,

      They are a fun combo - left brain vs. right brain, and both in severe need of exercise!


  4. A very pleasant surprise to see the nice square format header image. I'm guilty of not taking any images recently (as in the past few years). Your work inspires me to get out and get off my duff.

    1. Unfortunately, the best times for photography (early morning & late afternoon/evening) interfere with meal times. Overcoming that obstacle is my biggest problem, mitigated (somewhat) by the fact that I paid for the camera...I'd better well use it.

      My ongoing internal conflict ;-)


  5. I love this pic ! Thanks for your blog and videos, it's an inspiring work. We have 3 interests in common : portable QRP radio, photography and the FX-4CR. I'm waiting for mine. 73, Chris F5PGP

  6. Merci Chris - yes, there are many ways to spend our money! I hope you enjoy your is not perfect but I think it will become better over time.

