Saturday, April 8, 2023

Open source for FX4-CR firmware?

UPDATE (11 April)

From Yu:

I accept everyone's suggestions,FX-4CR source code announced. When Adam has time, I'll have him post to the site.


Yu BG4FX, designer of the FX-4C series of transceivers, is pondering the idea of making the firmware that runs his radios open-source so that people with more expertise in SDR software could contribute.

This is fantastic news and I hope it happens.

Two big examples come to mind when I think of prior (and ongoing) examples of this:

M0NKA's mcHF and all the products from Apache Labs.

In my opinion, the mcHF is superior to the Xiegu X6100 in many respects - I'll mention some examples of this in a future posting, but for now, ongoing contributions to its firmware keep the radio in a dynamic state, even though it's been around for over a decade.

The software that runs Apache Labs radios is openHDSDR, written by what amounts to a virtual think-tank of people who freely contribute their time and expertise to software that, in may ways, exceeds the performance of the equivalent software that runs Flex radios (particularly in the areas of DSP noise reduction, diversity reception and the concept of pre-distortion).

Interestingly, openHPSDR is a Flex derivative, made better by having been open-sourced.

For many years, I used a Flex and an Apache Labs rig side-by-side. Both have different SDR philosophies (thick- vs. thin-pipe) but in no way is openHPSDR an inferior product simply because it isn't "commercial". Just the opposite. 

I believe that if Yu makes his firmware open-source, it will be a game-changer - not just for Yu, but for the hobby over all.

Existing features will be made better & more refined; other features will be added.

Examples of what the open-source concept have done outside of ham radio include Linux, Firefox, and GIMP

As with the mcHF, the FX-4CR could very well become the next platform for a new crop of software writers to learn their craft, alongside those who are experts - and for the rest of us to enjoy the results of their efforts.




  1. Based on his earlier email exchange that he has limited resources due to being a small shop, this could ease his workload as well. Then he could focus on the hardware and get some community assistance with the software.

    1. Exactly - it would allow him to focus on the hardware design of future products while alleviating the headaches associated with relying on an inexperienced code writer.


  2. John, I just picked up an mcHF clone—-RS-918—since the original mcHF units are no longer available. I resisted the FX-4CR due to the issues you reported. I look forward to your future blog posts in the mcHF rig. If Yu does go open source on his firmware, I’ll definitely purchase that radio as well. Thank you for your reporting that possibility here! 73, K4FMH

    1. Hi Frank - I still do have an FX-4CR on the way, from the 2nd batch with the corrected motherboard. I remain hopeful...

      And I hope you enjoy the RS-918. It really is a fun rig and easily goes from CW to/from digital with minimal fuss. It was *way* ahead of its time when released. I'll never understand the lack of promotion by M0NKA of this rig. All the buzz regarding the X6100 would be far better placed with the mcHF/RS-918, even now.


    2. Just put a n an order for the June shipment if the FX-4CR!

    3. Hi John,

      Is your new FX-4CR on the way yet? I had a bad PA board on mine and Yu was waiting for the latest stable firmware and motherboards to be ready before sending. Received confirmation last night that the replacement had shipped.

    4. Yes, I received a tracking number last night as well. Looking forward to the new and improved version.


  3. Outstanding. I suspected he was waiting to ship yours for the same reasons. Looking forward to your assessment of this new and improved version as time permits. Know you have a new sBitx v2 to setup as well. Also, eager to read what you have to say about it.


