Saturday, March 11, 2023

Video: Seaside at K/KFF-3626

I prefer to operate from a picnic table or my own take-along table when doing the POTA thing but that's not always possible.

Gamble Rogers Recreation Area is a narrow spit of land between the Atlantic Ocean and Florida's Highway A1A.

Although there is an RV camping area, there are no picnic tables available to non-camping visitors to the park. No matter - the incoming waves were too loud to have allowed copy on many stations anyway.

As the activation went on, audio QRM increased due to this being Bike Week in Daytona, just south of this QTH. Harleys, Indians and every other type of bike you can imagine, roared past.

The scenery was great and I incorporated a barefoot walk in the sand with the activation, along with a bit of photography and drone-flying. Temperature was 78F/26C.

My fellow visitors consisted of fishermen and surfers, including an 8 year old girl who could have given lessons in Surfology.

As usual lately, 10m was in fine form and 16 DXCC entities were worked on 10m CW.

Activity levels were quite high, which says something for CW. I heard all levels of expertise and all types of keying: electronic keyers, bugs and straight keys. I think more people are gravitating to the mode as its benefits become apparent.

On that note, I've received several emails mentioning that the callsign captions in my recent YouTube videos are helpful. That's easy enough to do and I may include more of the exchanges in the future.

I especially enjoyed working Jeff K0UU, who I worked a few years ago when he was VR2UU in Hong Kong. Also George K2WO, just up the road from me and Ciemon G0TRT who was operating from a park in England. His website mentions a KX2 and an AX1 antenna. Bloody impressive if that's what he was using for our contact...

Directly on YouTube, or here:




  1. From Ciemon, who was using a KX2:

    "...the P2P was using my brand new Elecraft KX2at 5w into a Tufteln 40m EFHW which was at 45 degrees into a tree."

  2. Hi John! Nice to work you and nice of you to find me amongst all that DX! I was fortunate enough to operate from the campground at Gamble Rogers a few year's ago. It's a beautiful location. Be well, be safe.


    1. Thanks for the contact, George. It was a beautiful place to operate from and I'll be going back soon.

