Saturday, February 25, 2023

My best POTA acti so far

Finally, after not 2, but three, attempts - I made it to Atsena Otie Key off Florida's nw coast.

This was a CW-only activation (K/KFF-0234) on an unpopulated island, on a beautiful 74F/23C day.

Sugar-white sand, graceful palm trees, seaside vertical, inquisitive YL's in bikinis wondering what I was doing ("Oh, that's so cooool!")...are you feeling it?

Just a fantastic day.

The only things missing were Ginger and Mary-Ann.

Much more to come - I shot a bit of video (of the activation, not the bikinis) and hope to find the strength to fight off the laziness and actually piece together a video/write-up of the island, the pile-up and the bloggers worked (PE4BAS, OQ5M and K4SWL) - great to work you guys, and all the rest as well.

Wow - Bas on CW!

OK, now opening Adobe Premiere...and letting the post-activation drink(s?) wear off.





  1. CONGRATS John. From what I saw from Hamalert, it looks like you covered a lot of bands and big pile of QSOs.

    1. Morning Bob,

      Yes, the pile-up was intense at times and it was impossible to separate one callsign from another. Propagation to EU was excellent on both 15 and 20m. I'll be going back again.


  2. Hello John, tnx for the contact from this very rare Island. Propagation on 12m was great as well. Your signal was very strong John, the benefits of water.... Real 599 at times with some QSB. Really great to work you on this activiation. I still struggle with the CW thing but getting better. That "dirty banana"sound real cool, I'm shure it was tasty. 73, Bas

    1. Thanks much for the contact, Bas - you made it through a big pile-up, easy copy, quite strong. I'm curious - did you have to call long or did I get you right away?

